Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today I had my first real prenatal exam. I cannot believe it because I am 16 weeks pregnant. Anyways baby seem to be doing well. I go back in 6 weeks which I think is crazy. This is my 5th pregnancy and have never seen the doctor ever 6 weeks. I guess I kind of expected this because the care here in Misawa sucks.

When I got home from the doctors there was a message from the boys school telling me they scheduled me for a conference for this Wed. What ever happened to a little notice??? I just know what is going to happen they are going to tell me Carson does not perform as well as other students and this and that. I really do not want to hear anything negative. I think Carson is a sweet, smart little boy and that is all that matters. I swear I hate his teacher and hope I can behave myself. I think he is the biggest ass that needs to retire.

Gary is going to a awards ceremony and is being presented a award by the Col. Sillwell and the mayor of Misawa. I wish I could attend but the boys need to be picked up from school. I wish I could leave them there lol.
I started this blog months ago maybe even a year ago and have yet to post anything. I decided I am going to start today. I believe I am living the real life Malcom in the Middle. I have four boys that I love dearly but at the same time drive me absolutely bonkers. Carson is 9, Isaac 6, Titus 4 and Gideon is 21 months. I found out that I am expecting number 5 on Nov 9. I believe I am due on July 11, 2010. I just know it is going to be another boy. I guess the good lord thinks I am doing an excellent job at raising boys. I should write a book on the crazy stuff they say and do. I think it could be a best seller because it is a never dull moment around our house.